Kaizen Pie Chart tells you the split of total number of kaizens with statuses.
It increases the readability of status distribution.
One can generate auditable report of all submitted Kaizens.
1. User Login - End user can register an account to login and submit Kaizens.
2. Admin Login - Panel of admins login to see all the Kaizen submitted by users and accepts or rejects them.
3. HR Login - Used to create , edit and delete account for users as well as admins.
PDF Download makes possible to know everything about one particular Kaizen with realtime status.
User submit's the Kaizen and wait's for admin to approve or reject his/her Kaizen. Admin approves or rejects the Kaizen and exact user owning that Kaizen is notified.
This mobile Kaizen Management System can be installed in the form of iOS and android apps and also has web client.